Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Trailer Tuesdays 6/25/13

JOBS 8/16/13
... Am I the only one in the world that thinks Steve Jobs was an a-hole? Why does this world worship someone who didn't really change the lives of anyone other than hipsters and Children in sweat shops in China? Anyway, this movie looks stupid, but I'll still see it.

Ladies and Gentleman, your indy romantic comedy of the summer! It looks pretty interesting, and I loved the main actor in "Rabbit Hole". Looking forward to seeing this one.

THE TO DO LIST 7/26/13
I don't think I could handle two hours of Aubrey Plaza's teen angst gag. But we'll see.

I can't tell if this is computer animation or stop motion... I'm hoping stop motion because that would be really impressive.

You think trailers would be released faster than they are. I'm struggling to find new ones. Hopefully next week is better.

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