Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Kings of Summer

I love when movies that weren't released when you were a kid gives you a sense of nostalgia. When it brings back memories of you when you were the main characters age. Now, I never ran away from home, but the one thing this movie reminded me of was the sense of freedom during the summer before I went off and got myself a job. The memories of running around the woods with your best friends and just being free. I miss that.

I know that trailer doesn't show much, but it is the essence of this movie. Here's a better trailer if you'd like, but this scene just sums up the movie perfectly.

"The Kings of Summer" tells the story of three kids that run away and build a house in the woods. A quite impressive house, I might add. Tired of their parents ruling their lives, they decide to live on their own in the woods. The three bond closer together as they try to survive in the wilderness. And as always with boys, everything is fine until you throw a girl in the mix. Why can't you ladies just mind your own business? Jeez!

Backed by a veteran cast that includes Nick Offerman, Allison Brie and Megan Mullally, the three young leads really drive this movie. Especially Moises Arias who plays the uninvited and slightly terrifying comedic relief.

Why they ever trusted him with a Machete, I'll never know.
Perhaps it was out of fear.

I still have to mull it over for a few weeks before I decide for sure, but this is looking like it could be my favorite movie of the year so far. Granted, we still have 6 months left, and the last 6 months are better than the first, but this movie was good. Damn good.

Go see it! You will not be disappointed.

My Grade: A

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