Tuesday, June 25, 2013

World War Z

Brad Pitt went to visit an audience for the movie at the Movie Theatre I used to work at...

I have never wanted to work there again so badly in my life than that day.

Based on the book of the same name by Max Brooks (Mel Brooks' son), "World War Z" tells the story of a man who is asked by the UN to escort a Doctor around the world to find a cure for the virus. From what I've heard, this movie is nothing like the book. But since I haven't read the book, I can not say that is a good or a bad thing. This movie starts off very fast and doesn't slow down much. From within the first five minutes it has you tensing up waiting for the zombies to pop out.

As you can see, I struggle with writing reviews about OK movies, mainly because there is little that stand out. While I did enjoy it, there isn't much to write about it. It was good. Not terrible. Not great, just good. So I apologize for this being such a lack luster review. Please forgive me.

Especially Evan, James, Kristin and Devin. I love you all.

Oh, and surprisingly Matthew Fox has a very small role in the movie. I thought that that was weird.

My Grade: B-

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