Wednesday, May 8, 2013


It is every young boys dream to befriend a fugitive on the run and help him reunite with the love of his life... What? That's never happened to you? Man, you didn't have a childhood.

In undeniably the best performance of his career, Matthew McConaughey plays Mud, a name only a fugitive in the Southern United States would have. Wanted for murdering the abusive ex-boyfriend of the love of his life, he lays low on an island in the middle of a river. A boat stuck in a tree draws two teenage boys to the area, where they meet Mud. and befriend him.

Written and Directed by Jeff Nichols, director of "Take Shelter", "Mud" is an intense coming-of-age story that is unlike any other I have ever seen. It is one of those films that the location is much like a character in itself, much like "Take Shelter".

Jeff Nichols has a way with his storytelling that makes you want everything to end with a cliché happy ending.

"Mud" is not your typical spring movie. It has more of a fall season movie feel to it (Trust me, it's a thing). But it is one of the best movies I have seen this year. I know, I say that a lot, but it's true!

My Grade: A

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