Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Oz The Great and Powerful

In my opinion, after "Spiderman 2" Sam Raimi has had no place behind the camera. "Spiderman 3" was horrendous. I didn't even bother with "Drag Me to Hell". His ego got the best of him, and it became extremely apparent. Remember the dancing scene in "Spiderman 3"? Need I say more?

Because of this, I had no interest what-so-ever to see "Oz: The Great and Powerful". But once again, my fiancée came to the rescue and dragged me to see it. Not really. We had a private screening at her theatre.

Ugh, just watching that trailer makes me cringe. For those of you who don't know, "Oz: The Great and Powerful" is the adaptation for the nonexistent prequel to "The Wizard of Oz" book series. Already, that raises a butt-load of red flags for me. Not only is this based off of a book series, but it is also a made up chapter of said series that has 13 other books they could have adapted. Now I'm not saying that this is all Sam Raimi's fault, but it is.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

"Oz: The Great and Powerful" feels like one of those movies that was made just to make money. With no care to the audience at all. Much like "Spiderman 3". They knew they could make a lot of money with a prequel to one of the most revolutionary movies in the world, but didn't have the time or passion to make it worth the audience's while. For shame, Mr. Raimi. For Shame.

For my next movie, I'm going to make up a 
prequel to the Big Bang! No, not the TV Show.

The day I no longer get to see movies for free, is the day I stop seeing Sam Raimi movies. He's gotten so terrible. He should stick to making movies where women get beat up by ghosts and demons. And even then he should just stop.

My Grade: C-

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