Monday, July 8, 2013

White House Down: Or Olympus Has Fallen Take 2 But This Time Make A Point to Shove Roland Emmerich's Political Opinions In Everyone's Face

Roland Emmerich can't seem to make an original movie. First it was "Deep Impact" being released the same year as "Armageddon", now "White House Down" is released the same year as "Olympus Has Fallen"...

OK, maybe it's only two examples, but still! And each of his movies have been worse than the other ones.

One word of advice, Roland? STAHP!!!!

OK, so we I feel as though I don't need to tell you what a movie as creatively named as "White House Down" is about, so I will just move on. The one thing that made "Olympus Has Fallen" great was that it didn't take itself too seriously. It knew it was a mindless action movie and didn't try to be anything else. "White House Down" forced political opinions in the opening 5 minutes. Granted, they are opinions that I agree with, but nothing bugs me more than a movie trying to mean more than it is.

No one is going to look at "White House Down" and think "Gee, I sure learned a lot about the War in Iraq and Afghanistan today! I'm going to volunteer at my favorite candidates campaign head quarters! Golly!" They're gonna look at the first hour of the film and say "Where the Hell are the explosions?! 'Olypmus Has Fallen' had killed like a hundreds guys by this point!". Stop trying to be something you aren't, Roland!

How can you root for someone who goes for a job interview
in the President's Secret Service with their tie tied like that. My tie looked better
at my first middle school dance! COME ON CHANNING!

In this, Jamie Foxx's character "The Leader of the Free World/The President of the United States" about a million times, presumably following it with "Woah, woah, woah". I don't know, I stopped paying attention. But, I highly doubt the President ever refers to himself as those things in any situation other than introducing himself to someone who just came out from under a rock, let alone in the privacy of his helicopter to his Press Secretary or whatever the heck Maggie Gyllenhaal was supposed to be.

There were only three things I like about this movie. Jason Clarke, Jimmi Simpson and Richard Jenkins. It just wasn't good. It does however do a great job at showing how stupid the media is.

SPOLIER! But not really, because I'm just saving you 2 hours of your life, 1 of which doesn't even have explosions in it.

If a girl is brave enough to post a video onto Youtube of her captors, DO NOT show her picture on-air when she is still in captivity... If the captors are smart enough to take over the White House, they're smart enough to be watching the news while they do so to see what's being said about them and the situation. The media is and always will be filled with idiots.

My Grade: C-

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