Friday, August 9, 2013


There are a lot of interesting documentaries out there. If you ever are bored and looking for something to watch, go to the documentaries section of Netflix Instant watch. I have done that twice now, and both times were great documentaries. The first was for "The Imposter", and this time around I was fortunate enough to pick "Kumaré".

"Kumaré" is a study in religion and faith, but it does not attack religion or faith. Vikram Gandhi was brought up in a strong Hindu household. When he grew older, he began to have doubts of his families beliefs. So he set out on a journey to find where it comes from. Along the way, he meets several fake Gurus with huge followings and decided to make a documentary about how easy it is to fall for a hack.

At first, he starts out just seeing what he can get away with. And he finds he can get away with a lot, including drawing a phallic symbol onto someones head as well as having him meditate to pictures of Obama, Osama bin Laden and the picture of the character he created, Kumaré.

Eventually, he learns to love these people and he finds what caused them to turn to eastern Gurus and decides to try to help them realize what he already know. That they do not need a Guru, they just need themselves.

This is a great documentary with a great message and does a great job of not bashing any personal reliefs. Rather it shows the viewer that you do not need to define yourself by your religion and your beliefs, but that you can be whoever you want to be.

If you don't have anything to do right now, go watch it. It's worth it.

My Grade: B+

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