Friday, August 9, 2013

Fruitvale Station

I have something to confess. This time around, I was one of those idiots who got upset because someone spoiled a movie that was based on a true story... I am shame faced.

"Fruitvale Station" tells the true story of Oscar Grant's last day alive. (Don't worry, you find that out in the first two minutes.) In doing so, you see how much he is trying to change for his daughter, and how much he wants to be there for her in this unfortunate and tragic story.

In his directorial debut, Ryan Coogler has brought us one of the most well thought out and personal films any director has made. Being from the bay area, where Oscar Grant was shot and killed, I am sure he felt a strong connection to the case which inspired him to make this film. And you can tell in the final product.

One thing I appreciated about this film, it shows that the Police Officers responsible for the death of Oscar Grant did show some remorse and a little bit of shock after it all went down. They had realized they had made a mistake. It wasn't just a straight "F the Police!" movie, which get tiresome so very quickly.

I thought this was a well made movie that presented the facts and didn't try to shove topics such as "racism among the Police" and "profiling" down your throat. They were definitely present, but not in a slap to the face manner like Spike Lee would have it.

This is a heartbreaking movie that I'm sure will receive some Oscar attention this Winter.

My Grade: A

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