Friday, August 9, 2013

Fat Kid Rules the World

I just found at that Matthew Lillard from "SLC Punk" and "Scooby-Doo" directed this movie... awesome!

"Fat Kid Rules the World" begins with Troy trying to throw himself in front of a bus. But when he is saved by Marcus, his life starts to change. Marcus inspires (or forces depending on how you look at it) troy to learn how to play the drums and join a band, which gives Troy something to live for.

Once again, this is a movie I stumbled upon on Netflix instant watch, and I was not disappointed. Jacob Wysocki of Bath Boys Comedy infamy stars in the leading role. It impresses me that he can go from this... movies like this and "Terri" which have more dramatic elements to them. I think he is definitely someone to look out for for years to come.

My Grade: B

Holy Crap this is based on a book?! I keep learning stuff, man!

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