Tuesday, May 22, 2012

YES PLEASE! ( I love me some unsettling movies)

Today, while, once again, browsing the interwebs for new movies coming out, I stumble upon yet another fantastic clip from a new movie coming out. I wish I could remember who posted it, but I can't seem to find the original post. I just wanted to thank them for being friends with with me on facebook, thus allowing me to see this miraculous clip! It is taken from the film, Antiviral.

I know what you're thinking. You want to watch that again. Fret not, my child. For I have provided you with the same video twice!

Overkill? Maybe. But all I could think while watching this was "MMMMMMMMMM!!!!".

I have yet to see another 1 minute and 38 second clip that tells so much about a character without showing him doing much. I mean, what did he do in this clip? He walked down a hall filled with flowers into a bedroom with a beautiful girl in it. He sits down and the bed and inserts a needle into her arm. But thats not all that it shows you. It shows you so much of the character of the man.

It raises questions. Who's that woman? Is he supposed to be there? Is he injecting her with something, or taking her blood? (I'm sure that question would be easy for someone in medicine, but I'm stupid so give me a break here!)

That is the brilliance of film making that many directors (Michael Bay) fail to utilize. You can show so much with so little to the point that it is absurd! And of course, being the son of David Cronenberg (Eastern Promises, The History of Violence), Brandon Cronenberg would be able to understand that with his first feature length film.

The premise of film is an odd, but interesting one. Syd March, played by Caleb Landry Jones, (The Last Exorcism, X-Men: First Class) is an employee of a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from the blood of celebrities who had the same virus.


Unfortunately, there are probably people out there that are that obsessed and idiotic.

Syd also illegally supplies samples of the viruses to piracy groups by smuggling them out of the clinic he works at by inject himself with the disease. But he injects himself with the same virus that killed celebrity, Hannah Geist (Pretty sure she's made up. You can correct me if I'm wrong), he becomes the target of her fans and the same piracy groups he supplies as he tries to solve the mystery of her death before he succumbs to the same illness she had.

I may be hyping myself up to much for this. After all, it only has a 5 star rating on IMDB. But thats only from 10 votes! And from a film like this, I'm not surprised. I'd say we'd have to wait until its actually released places other than the Cannes FIlm Festival before we get an idea of the reception of it.

I'm hoping the 4 people that gave this poor reviews on IMDB are Michael Bay fans. Because I really want this to be good. Caleb Landry Jones hasn't been in much, but he's been pretty good in what he has been in. And I will personally slap anyone that says that he doesn't look better than "pretty good" in this short clip.

I mean..... look at him.... he's already creeping me out in this picture! After all, gingers don't have souls. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Unfortunately, no release date has been announced yet. But they better hurry up!

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