Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Trailers: Anchorman 2, The Great Gatsby

Movie trailers are great. They give the first look into what a movie is gonna be. There are a lot of people who say their favorite part of going to the movies is watching the trailers before hand.

But everyone knows that, so I don't know why the hell I'm saying this. Let's get to the trailers.

Anchorman 2. Most of us have seen the first one and have an opinion of it one way, or the other. I personally loved it. It was ridiculous! That's Will Ferrell's comedy. He goes over the top and people either love it or hate it. This trailer is a great start to the marketing of the long awaited sequel. It reintroduces the 5 main characters, and doesn't tell you anything else. I think we can expect a very similar movie from the first, but I think it will be just as entertaining.

The Great Gatsby. I hated the book. I think it was the most boring piece of crap I've ever read. But seeing as how its still so widely received after almost 90 years, there are obviously a lot of people who disagree with me. This peaks my interest a little bit more than the book, but I still highly doubt I'll go see it. If I remember correctly, the reason I hated the book was because all of the characters felt like spoiled rich brats. I'm probably wrong, and you may say thats no reason to hate a story, but there are some things in stories that just drive me crazy. And spoiled rich brats are one of them.

I love Baz Luhrmann as a Director, so if reviews are good for it, I may change my mind. But right now, I couldn't care less if this movie was coming out or not.

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