Monday, June 3, 2013

Now You See Me

Remember when Jesse Eisenberg was the poor man's Michael Cera and he actually played likable characters? I miss that Jesse Eisenberg. Now he just plays douche bags. It's like the nerd who was always picked on and then grew up, came into wealth and is now even more of a bully than the kids who bullied him were. I blame Mark Zuckerberg and David Fincher.

"Now You See Me" is about a group of magicians that go by the name The Four Horseman. They are brought together by a strange hooded man and begin to become the Robin Hood of Magic, but on a much broader, more unrealistic scale than Robin Hood could even begin to fathom.

After a trick in which they have a member of their audience steal $3 Million in Euros, they begin to receive the attention of the FBI. Only this version of the FBI is way more stupid than the real FBI. And they are lead by The Incredible Hulk. Not really. Just Mark Ruffalo.

Why didn't he just turn into the Hulk and smash Mr. Facebook's in?

Even in a movie like this, there has to be some aspect of realism for it to be top notch. There was none in this. In the second Magic Show that they had in New Orleans, they steal money from someone and put it into the accounts of the members in the Audience. How did they know how to access everyone's accounts? And also, they just gave the FBI a HUGE list of suspects, and all of that money would have been forced back out of their accounts and to the right account. Not to mention, they would have gotten a handful of people arrested for assault. When you see the movie you'll know what I'm talking about.

This was a movie of unplanned "Wouldn't it be cool if..." scenes that were disguised as a thriller. A lot of the scenes didn't make any sense and they jumped around a lot. There were a whole bunch of plot holes and the writing was sub par.

It also bugs me in scenes, where a character stands right in front of a 
camera and they cut to the footage of the camera and it shows 
their entire body. Cameras don't work that way!

Now, I'm going to best describe my beef with the ending without giving anything away. In thrillers, where there is a twist ending, there needs to be ties in with the actual story. You can't just throw an ending that doesn't make any sense and has no ties in or clues in the movie. The thing that makes a great twist ending is being able to go back and re-watch the movie and pick up on little hints to the ending.

In "Now You See Me", the ending was just pulled out of the writers' asses. It didn't make any sense and it made everything that happened for one character in particular look completely stupid and ridiculous. Not to mention, it would have never happened because... Never mind. I've said too much.

If you see this movie, and wish to hear me rant further, just send me a message or text or something.

My Grade: C

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