Sunday, June 24, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

I would say that Wes Anderson films are the hardest to write about for me. They're all brilliant, but they're also so similar in their style and humor that the only thing I could really ever comment on is the story. So this may be a short one. But I will try my best.

Moonrise Kingdom tells the story of a loaner "khaki scout" (boy scout) who flees his troops base camp in order to meet up with the girl he loves and run away with her. Of course, the small island they reside on goes into panic mode and puts all of their resources into finding the two kids. Wes-Anderson-esque-hilarity ensues.

As usual with Wes Anderson films, the way this film plays out is perfect for the story. The straight on, perfectly framed shots, the dry, unemotional humor. The quick and witty dialogue. It can only be done by a few people. Mostly, just Mr. Anderson.

The story is wonderful, the Actors are fantastic and the Cinematography is superb. And unfortunately, thats all I can really say about this film. Usually, words can not describe Wes Anderson films. One can only trust me that it is great and go see it.

On a different note, here is my favorite commercial ever. Oh, would you look at that! It features Wes Anderson himself!

My Rating: A-

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