This movie follows a freshman named Charlie, played by Logan Lerman (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Three Musketeers), starting on his first day of high school. Having just lost his best friend to his suicide, and trying to overcome mental instability, Charlie finds himself with no friends in a new school. He overcomes his shyness to try to make friends, and opens up to Patrick and Sam, a pair of eccentrics who are step-brother and sister. They let Charlie join their circle of friends and welcome him with open arms. They heel him, in away, from his past demons. But as all high schoolers do, they go through some rough times.
Written and Directed by the author of the novel it's based on, this movie is a great story about the troubles of adolescence. And although some parts of the script seemed forced and slightly cheesy at times, most of the film is filled with surprisingly great acting, heartwarming as well as some heartbreaking moments.
Logan Lerman, mostly known for his teenage action roles, is superb in this movie. He overshadows the rest of the more widely known cast including Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, Joan Cusack, Dylan McDermott, and several other. His portrayal of the guy who puts everyone before himself is spot. His performance in this movie is his best by further than I could even explain.
This movie was a pleasant surprise that I am very glad I went to see, despite my initial objections to it. I was so wrong about it in the beginning.
My Grade: A-
What a great couple of weeks for movie-going. I love the fall movie line-ups.